Frequently Asked Questions

( 1 ) What is Mathdia ?
  Mathdia-a mathematical encyclopedia is a site aimed at developing interest for mathematics among students and to help them get jobs and develop a career.
 Companies can join and post interviews and promote their products.
 Educational Organisations also can use the portal to post their events, contests and to get their students placed through our contacts.

( 2 ) Who can use mathdia ?

Anyone can use mathdia as an individual or as a team.

We provide options like :
    Independent User.

    Eduacational Institute.

( 3 ) How can be Mathdia useful to an individual ?

An individual can sharpen his/her mathematical talent by the tests we provide and evaluate themselves through the scores, also update their views and knowledge in the field of mathematics.

They can also post resume, apply for jobs or post events, queries or comments.

( 4 ) How can be Mathdia useful to an Organization ?

An organization can promote their products through our advertisement section.

Also they can get talents of their choice by posting interviews and job postings on our site.

( 5 ) How can be Mathdia useful to a college ?

A college can get mass registration of their talent pool done on our site and get the jobs posted on the site directly to the attention of the students.

They can also get their events and contests posted and ensure more lively participation from the individuals and colleges registered with us.

( 6 ) Can we trust our personal details with the site ?

Mathdia considers privacy of each and every user registered with us as our priority.

No content submitted to us shall be publicized or shared without the permission of the user who has submitted the information.

( 7 ) How Mathdia assist the users in getting a job ?

Mathdia acts as a bridge between the individual and the organizations.

Registered users are informed about the jobs available to which they can apply.

They can send in applications to the jobs they prefer and we attach their resume, Their genius level, Math scores and the short profile prepared by us along with the application.

( 8) Can we use the contents in the site in writing articles / documents or for conducting programs like contests / quizzes ?

Not without our permission. You can forward the details of the content you need and can use it according to the reply you get from the site's content management team.

( 9 ) Are the details / contents posted  in  Mathdia reliable and accurate ?

The details provided by our site are thoroughly checked and posted by our team of experts.